Majumi Chemicals deals with trade activity and its main objectives as an importer (and a supplier) of raw chemical materials it meets the requirements because of the REACH rules application. All of the roducts from the offer have the appropriate REACH certificate.

What is REACH?

REGISTRATION, EVALUATION AND AUTHORIZATION OF CHEMICALS – an ordinance by the European Parliament and the European Council regulating the issues of chemical usage by their registration and evaluation in some cases, giving allowance for in- troduction and application of restrictions.


The Reach regulations are applied directly without the need to implement them into the Polish law.

REACH entered into force on June 1st, 2007 and it stands in place or changes plenty of the acts it replaces so far – Community Legal Acts that became to be in force by the act of Janu ary 11th, 2001 about substances and chemical preparations.

REACH is valid in the territory of the European Union, Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein.

The supervision over the implementation of the regulation is being taken care of by the

European Chemical Agency in Helsinki.

REACH is to ensure the high level of environment protection and health care including propagation of alternative methods of risk assessment, threats posed by the chemicals ensuring free circulation of substances within the internal market while simultaneously with the support of competition and innovation.

REACH does not apply to the following:

  • radioactive substances
  • substances under the surveillance of customs control
  • non-isolated intermediates
  • substance transport

More information

National Information Center